Reading time: 5 min.

The augmented technician: dream or reality?

Industry is a sector in perpetual change. Ever since the first factories appeared, the search for productivity and performance improvements has been an endless race : production lines, automation, lean manufacturing, etc. In recent years, the term Industry of the Future or 4.0 has been at the heart of all the strategies of major industrial groups. What is at stake? The digitalisation and robotisation of manufacturing centers to regain competitiveness in the face of a globalised market. Contrary to what one might think, the human being remains at the heart of these industrial changeswith a role that evolves and adapts to changes of each manufacturing revolution. The fourth to date, even if it is digital, is no exception to this rule.

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Reading time: 3 min.

Augmented reality: the 5 levels of industrial maintenance in companies

In the industrial environment, maintenance is an essential element for the proper functioning of the chain. It represents the whole of the actions of breakdown service, repair, adjustment, overhaul, improvement, control and checking of the company's equipment. The maintenance process is applied taking into account many constraints, including safety, the environment and quality.

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