Reading time: 2 min.

Augmented Reality: an innovative solution to stay ahead of the competition

Integrating an Augmented Reality solution into your site allows you to a considerable time saving at all the key stages of your industrial processes. During a test carried out at one of our customers, we noted that by following the traditional maintenance protocol of its site on uncontrolled tasks, a maintenance operator with minimal experience was not able to perform 2 of the 4 operations without the intervention of a trade expert and obtained 3 errorsall in 1 hour. Using the solution Spectral TMSthe same operator was able to perform all tasks without assistance and without error, all in Thirty-two minutes..

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Reading time: 2 min.

3 reasons to integrate Augmented Reality in your industry

The emergence of new technologies is a bairgain for the industry. The emergence of digital twins, BIM and IOT are just some of the many opportunities to modernize our plants, to improve their productivity of course, but also the well-being and safety of operators and the environmental impact. Each of the innovations related to Industry 4.0 allows for the improvement of one or more of these areas. This is notably the case of Industrial Augmented Reality. So let's look at 3 reasons to integrate Augmented Reality in your industry. (If you don't know what AR is, you can consult this articlewhich sums it up in a few sentences).

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